I've implemented my own rom service based on Genode::Rom_root and
Genode::Rom_fs inside a server. Basically the service seems to work.
If I open a Rom_connection on a file that I've added to my Rom_fs
before, I get a valid Dataspace_capability.
By using a Genode::Dataspace_client, I can see that the size and the
base address of the Dataspace correspond to the values that I've passed
to the Rom_module I've inserted into my Rom_fs before.
The problem is, that the data inside the Dataspace is 0.
Here the code:
Dataspace_capability file_cap;
Rom_connection rom(filename, unique_name);
try {
file_cap = rom.dataspace();
} catch (Rom_file_missing) {
printf("Error: Could not access file \"%s\" from ROM
service.\n", filename);
return 0;
PWRN("file cap not valid!!");
void* addr = env()->rm_session()->attach(file_cap);
Genode::Dataspace_client dsc(file_cap);
PDBG("rom module filename: %s", filename);
PDBG("rom module base address: 0x%lx", dsc.phys_addr());
PDBG("rom module size: 0x%zx", dsc.size());
PDBG("some data: 0x%x", *(int*)addr);
.. and the corresponding output:
rom module filename: pci_drv
rom module base address: 0x3333000
rom module size: 0x26000
some data: 0x0
My understanding is, that the constructor of Rom_module
needs a physical base address.
How can I copy data to a memory location, that is still available in
another context?
I've tried out the following but this does not work:
// for now we copy data from core's to our local rom service
Genode::Dataspace_capability file_cap;
Rom_connection rom(filename);
try {
file_cap = rom.dataspace();
} catch (Rom_file_missing) {
printf("Error: Could not access file \"%s\" from ROM
service.\n", filename);
void* addr = env()->rm_session()->attach(file_cap);
Genode::Dataspace_client dsc_source(file_cap);
/* create new Rom_module */
Genode::Ram_dataspace *ram_dsc = new (env()->heap())
Genode::Ram_dataspace(env()->ram_session(), dsc_source.size());
Genode::Dataspace_client dsc(ram_dsc->cap());
Genode::memcpy(ram_dsc->local_addr<void>(), addr,
Rom_module *r = new (&_sliced_heap) Rom_module(dsc.phys_addr(),
dsc_source.size(), filename);
PDBG("rom module filename: %s", filename);
PDBG("rom module base address: 0x%lx", dsc_source.phys_addr());
PDBG("rom module size: 0x%zx", dsc_source.size());
PDBG("dataspace base address: 0x%lx", dsc.phys_addr());
PDBG("some data: 0x%x", *(int*)ram_dsc->local_addr<void>());
The output in this context is ok:
rom module filename: pci_drv
rom module base address: 0x3140000
rom module size: 0x26000
dataspace base address: 0x3333000
some data: 0x464c457f
Is there an Allocator that I can use?