I am happy to announce the release of Genode 17.02. Among the highlights of the new version are the introduction of Genode's ABI, init's new ability to the change a running subsystem on the fly, and a greatly improved VFS infrastructure that has been in the works for more than a year. As usual, all those topics are covered in full detail in the release documentation:
For a brief summary:
- Genode application binary interface (ABI) - Enhanced infrastructure for virtual file systes (VFS) - VFS support for synchronous I/O and reconfiguration - Rump-kernel-based file systems as VFS plugin - Linux TCP/IP stack as VFS plugin - New execution model of the C runtime - Dynamically reconfigurable init component - Generic user-input-processing component - Improved SD-card drivers, added support for i.MX6 - Muen separation kernel updated to version 0.8
I hope you'll enjoy the new version!
Cheers Norman