Hello Genodians
I have a UP Xtreme board on which I want to run Genode on. it has a Intel core i7 8xxx [1]. This platform only supports UEFI boot.
Starting Sculpt on the device from an USB stick works.
The main problem I have currently, is that I do not receive any serial output from the kernel. I also tested with other run scripts like `run/log`.
The device has two physical interfaces (COM1 & COM2) that I have enabled and configured, in the BIOS, to use the default IO/IRQ values for PCs.
If I start Ubuntu on the device with enabled serial console for GRUB2 and the kernel, I see the corresponding output on my `picocom` session.
Do you have any suggestions what could be the cause?
Best regards, Pirmin
[1] https://up-board.org/up-xtreme-edge-compute-enabling-kit/