im currently working with Genode on Zynq-7000 based HW and i was trying to port GDB Monitor to that platform. So far i implemented
* ports/src/lib/gdbserver_platform/spec/hw_zynq/low.cc * ports/lib/mk/spec/hw_zynq/gdbserver_platform.mk
I then tried running a modified version "make run/gdb_monitor_interactive". I'm using tcp_terminal as terminal session. My first problem is that running the above command times out while the run-script is waiting for GDB monitor to start. I guess when using tcp_terminal "/dev/terminal" is only created after making a connection to it? I am able to connect to GDB monitormanually and i can read/set registers, print backtrace and set breakpoints. But actually running specific parts of the code being debugged does not work. Jumping to function func1 after setting a breakpoint at func2 for example yields the following:
Assertion failed: _state == AWAITS_RESUME || _state == ACTIVE File: repos/base-hw/src/core/kernel/thread.cc:134 Function: void Kernel::Thread::_pause()
Typing "run" the gdb complains:
The "remote" target does not support "run". Try "help target" or "continue".
I dont really know what the problem is at this point. Do i have to implement additional files to get a full working port of GDB monitor for hw_zynq? Or am i just doing something wrong?
I also tried using GDB monitor with foc_x86_32 and nova_x86_32. I ran "make run/gdb_monitor" but i get the following result for both platforms:
GDB monitor is up, starting GDB spawn /usr/local/genode-gcc/bin/genode-x86-gdb bin/test-gdb_monitor -n -batch -ex target remote localhost:5555 -ex set interactive-mode off -ex symbol-file bin/ld.lib.so -ex b Linker::Binary::call_entry_point -ex c -ex delete 1 -ex symbol-file bin/test-gdb_monitor -ex b main -ex set solib-search-path bin -ex sharedlibrary -ex c -ex delete 2 -ex b puts -ex c -ex bt -ex print test_var -ex set var test_var=2 -ex print test_var -ex b Test_thread::entry() -ex c -ex info threads -ex step -ex c -ex thread 1 -ex bt -ex q 2&>1 [init -> gdb_monitor] fcntl(): command 4 args 66 not supported - terminal [init -> gdb_monitor] fcntl(): command 6 args -1 not supported - terminal int main(): --- init created, waiting for exit condition --- Don't know how to attach. Try "help target". GDB can't read core files on this machine. Ignoring packet error, continuing... warning: unrecognized item "timeout" in "qSupported" response Ignoring packet error, continuing... Ignoring packet error, continuing... Ignoring packet error, continuing... Ignoring packet error, continuing... Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt. Breakpoint 1 at 0xaab20: file repos/base/src/lib/ldso/main.cc, line 364. The program is not being run. Breakpoint 2 at 0x1000a05: file repos/base/include/base/thread.h, line 583. The program is not being run. Breakpoint 3 at 0x1007720 The program is not being run. No stack. $1 = 1 Cannot access memory at address 0x1008cac $2 = 1 Breakpoint 4 at 0x1005ae0: file repos/ports/src/test/gdb_monitor/main.cc, line 44. The program is not being run. No threads. The program is not being run. The program is not being run. Thread ID 1 not known. No stack. Error: Breakpoint in main() did not trigger Makefile:246: die Regel für Ziel „run/gdb_monitor“ scheiterte make: *** [run/gdb_monitor] Fehler 255
I can see that the problem seems to be related to the terminal session. Is this supposed to work out of the box?
Any hint/advice would be much appreciated. All changes i made may be found here:
Hi Joscha,
the 'gdb_monitor.run' script should work out of the box on foc_x86_32, nova_x86_32 and (with one failing test) foc_pbxa9 on Qemu. I tried it with your github branch and it worked for me after I removed the newly added TCP redirection line from the run script.
The 'gdb_monitor_interactive_tcp.run' script works for me on these platforms on Qemu with the attached patch.
For the HW platform, there might be some work to do on the base system if there are problems with pausing and resuming of threads or with getting the current register state. When trying to resume execution at a specific instruction pointer or to modify register contents in general, the base platform must support this. I'm not sure if the HW platform already supports it (base-foc does, base-nova not yet).
Regards, Christian
Hi Christian,
thank you for your reply. I removed the TCP redirection line from the runscript and i also applied the patch use send me. Running "make run/gdb_monitor" on foc and nova still yields:
GDB monitor is up, starting GDB spawn /usr/local/genode-gcc/bin/genode-x86-gdb bin/test-gdb_monitor -n -batch -ex target remote localhost:5555 -ex set interactive-mode off -ex symbol-file bin/ld.lib.so -ex b Linker::Binary::call_entry_point -ex c -ex delete 1 -ex symbol-file bin/test-gdb_monitor -ex b main -ex set solib-search-path bin -ex sharedlibrary -ex c -ex delete 2 -ex b puts -ex c -ex bt -ex print test_var -ex set var test_var=2 -ex print test_var -ex call test_var_func() -ex b Test_thread::entry() -ex c -ex info threads -ex step -ex c -ex thread 1 -ex bt -ex q 2&>1 [init -> gdb_monitor] fcntl(): command 4 args 66 not supported - terminal [init -> gdb_monitor] fcntl(): command 6 args -1 not supported - terminal Don't know how to attach. Try "help target". GDB can't read core files on this machine. localhost:5555: Die Wartezeit für die Verbindung ist abgelaufen. Breakpoint 1 at 0x933a0: file genode-gdbserver/repos/base/src/lib/ldso/main.cc, line 364. The program is not being run. Breakpoint 2 at 0x1000585: file genode-gdbserver/repos/base/include/base/thread.h, line 578. The program is not being run. Breakpoint 3 at 0x1004030 The program is not being run. No stack. $1 = 1 Cannot access memory at address 0x1005b88 $2 = 1 You can't do that without a process to debug. Breakpoint 4 at 0x10024d0: file /genode-gdbserver/repos/ports/src/test/gdb_monitor/main.cc, line 44. The program is not being run. No threads. The program is not being run. The program is not being run. Thread ID 1 not known. No stack. Error: Breakpoint in main() did not trigger Makefile:246: die Regel für Ziel „run/gdb_monitor“ scheiterte make: *** [run/gdb_monitor] Fehler 255
I also tried running "make run/gdb_monitor_interactive_tcp" on both foc and nova. Now i get a build error stating that "build/nic_drv" can't be found.
Regards, Joscha
On 15.03.2016 21:49, Christian Prochaska wrote:
Hi Joscha,
the 'gdb_monitor.run' script should work out of the box on foc_x86_32, nova_x86_32 and (with one failing test) foc_pbxa9 on Qemu. I tried it with your github branch and it worked for me after I removed the newly added TCP redirection line from the run script.
The 'gdb_monitor_interactive_tcp.run' script works for me on these platforms on Qemu with the attached patch.
For the HW platform, there might be some work to do on the base system if there are problems with pausing and resuming of threads or with getting the current register state. When trying to resume execution at a specific instruction pointer or to modify register contents in general, the base platform must support this. I'm not sure if the HW platform already supports it (base-foc does, base-nova not yet).
Regards, Christian
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Hi Joscha,
On 17.03.2016 11:02, Joscha Benz wrote:
localhost:5555: Die Wartezeit für die Verbindung ist abgelaufen.
Does it help when you add 'ipv4' to the qemu_args line for the UART redirection, so that it reads:
append qemu_args " -chardev socket,id=uart,port=$local_port,host=localhost,server,nowait,ipv4 "
I also tried running "make run/gdb_monitor_interactive_tcp" on both foc and nova. Now i get a build error stating that "build/nic_drv" can't be found.
Do you have the 'dde_ipxe' repository enabled in the etc/build.conf file?
And another question: does your Linux environment run on hardware or in a VM?
Regards, Christian
Hi Christian,
Does it help when you add 'ipv4' to the qemu_args line for the UART redirection, so that it reads:
append qemu_args " -chardev socket,id=uart,port=$local_port,host=localhost,server,nowait,ipv4 "
No that did not help but since tcp_terminal now works i do not need UART to work.
Do you have the 'dde_ipxe' repository enabled in the etc/build.conf file?
That is what was missing... It is working now. Thank you for your help!
And another question: does your Linux environment run on hardware or in a VM?
I am running ArchLinux on hardware.
Regards, Joscha