When I try to clean and prepare freetype in libports on current genodelabs/staging or genodelabs/master I end up in following problem (I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or if this is a bug)
lypo@...207...:~/genodelabs/genode/mstein/libports$ make cleanall; make prepare PKG="freetype" make: [clean_include_symlinks-libc] Error 1 (ignored) make: [clean_include_subdirs-libc] Error 1 (ignored) make[1]: Entering directory `/home/lypo/genodelabs/genode/mstein/libports/tool/mesa' rm -rf glsl make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lypo/genodelabs/genode/mstein/libports/tool/mesa' make[1]: Entering directory `/home/lypo/genodelabs/genode/mstein/libports/tool/qt5' make -C qmake clean make[2]: Entering directory `/home/lypo/genodelabs/genode/mstein/libports/tool/qt5/qmake' rm -f qmake project.o option.o property.o main.o ioutils.o proitems.o qmakeglobals.o qmakeparser.o qmakeevaluator.o qmakebuiltins.o makefile.o unixmake2.o unixmake.o mingw_make.o winmakefile.o projectgenerator.o meta.o makefiledeps.o metamakefile.o xmloutput.o pbuilder_pbx.o msvc_vcproj.o msvc_vcxproj.o msvc_nmake.o msvc_objectmodel.o msbuild_objectmodel.o gbuild.o cesdkhandler.o qtextcodec.o qutfcodec.o qstring.o qstringbuilder.o qtextstream.o qiodevice.o qmalloc.o qglobal.o qarraydata.o qbytearray.o qbytearraymatcher.o qdatastream.o qbuffer.o qlist.o qfiledevice.o qfile.o qfilesystementry.o qfilesystemengine_unix.o qfilesystemengine.o qfilesystemiterator_unix.o qfsfileengine_unix.o qfsfileengine.o qfsfileengine_iterator.o qregexp.o qvector.o qbitarray.o qdir.o qdiriterator.o quuid.o qhash.o qfileinfo.o qdatetime.o qstringlist.o qabstractfileengine.o qtemporaryfile.o qmap.o qmetatype.o qsettings.o qsystemerror.o qlibraryinfo.o qvariant.o qvsnprintf.o qlocale.o qlocale_tools.o qlocale_unix.o qlinkedlist.o qnumeric.o qcryptographichash.o qxmlstream.o qxmlutils.o qlogging.o project.d option.d property.d main.d ioutils.d proitems.d qmakeglobals.d qmakeparser.d qmakeevaluator.d qmakebuiltins.d makefile.d unixmake2.d unixmake.d mingw_make.d winmakefile.d projectgenerator.d meta.d makefiledeps.d metamakefile.d xmloutput.d pbuilder_pbx.d msvc_vcproj.d msvc_vcxproj.d msvc_nmake.d msvc_objectmodel.d msbuild_objectmodel.d gbuild.d cesdkhandler.d qtextcodec.d qutfcodec.d qstring.d qstringbuilder.d qtextstream.d qiodevice.d qmalloc.d qglobal.d qarraydata.d qbytearray.d qbytearraymatcher.d qdatastream.d qbuffer.d qlist.d qfiledevice.d qfile.d qfilesystementry.d qfilesystemengine_unix.d qfilesystemengine.d qfilesystemiterator_unix.d qfsfileengine_unix.d qfsfileengine.d qfsfileengine_iterator.d qregexp.d qvector.d qbitarray.d qdir.d qdiriterator.d quuid.d qhash.d qfileinfo.d qdatetime.d qstringlist.d qabstractfileengine.d qtemporaryfile.d qmap.d qmetatype.d qsettings.d qsystemerror.d qlibraryinfo.d qvariant.d qvsnprintf.d qlocale.d qlocale_tools.d qlocale_unix.d qlinkedlist.d qnumeric.d qcryptographichash.d qxmlstream.d qxmlutils.d qlogging.d make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/lypo/genodelabs/genode/mstein/libports/tool/qt5/qmake' rm -rf bootstrap moc rcc uic make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lypo/genodelabs/genode/mstein/libports/tool/qt5' find: `contrib/SDL-1.2.13/include': No such file or directory --2013-10-18 10:51:51-- http://mirrors.zerg.biz/nongnu/freetype/freetype-old/freetype-2.3.9.tar.gz Resolving mirrors.zerg.biz (mirrors.zerg.biz)... Connecting to mirrors.zerg.biz (mirrors.zerg.biz)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1809558 (1,7M) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: ‘download/freetype-2.3.9.tar.gz’
100%[======================================================>] 1.809.558 2,83MB/s in 0,6s
2013-10-18 10:51:52 (2,83 MB/s) - ‘download/freetype-2.3.9.tar.gz’ saved [1809558/1809558]
--2013-10-18 10:51:52-- http://mirrors.zerg.biz/nongnu/freetype/freetype-old/freetype-2.3.9.tar.gz.s... Resolving mirrors.zerg.biz (mirrors.zerg.biz)... Connecting to mirrors.zerg.biz (mirrors.zerg.biz)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 189 [application/pgp-signature] Saving to: ‘download/freetype-2.3.9.tar.gz.sig’
100%[======================================================>] 189 --.-K/s in 0s
2013-10-18 10:51:52 (10,5 MB/s) - ‘download/freetype-2.3.9.tar.gz.sig’ saved [189/189]
gpg: Signature made Do 12 Mär 2009 11:00:47 CET using DSA key ID E707FDA5 gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found Signature check of file download/freetype-2.3.9.tar.gz failed make: *** [download/freetype-2.3.9.tar.gz.verified] Error 1
Martin and me investigated more on this issue. As a quick fix we added
keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve
to his $HOME/.gnupg/gpg.conf file.
Why download_sigver does not detect the missing public key is also no longer a miracle: If the users key ring contains another (in this case revoked key) for the email ID of the signer, the script directly tries to verify the signature of the downloaded file. GPG itself detects the missing public key for the used key ID. In the case of "auto-key-retrieve", GPG fixes this by downloading the key from the server, otherwise it aborts.
@chelmuth: Thank you for the quick help :)
On 18.10.2013 12:13, Christian Helmuth wrote:
Martin and me investigated more on this issue. As a quick fix we added
keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve
to his $HOME/.gnupg/gpg.conf file.
Why download_sigver does not detect the missing public key is also no longer a miracle: If the users key ring contains another (in this case revoked key) for the email ID of the signer, the script directly tries to verify the signature of the downloaded file. GPG itself detects the missing public key for the used key ID. In the case of "auto-key-retrieve", GPG fixes this by downloading the key from the server, otherwise it aborts.