Hi all,
I'm currently trying to run Genode on a NOVA hypervisor.
I'm following the tutorial in http://genode.org/documentation/developer-resources/client_server_tutorial, but ran into a bit of trouble in the section "Making it fly".
I can't seem to add the *config* code in*build/bin/config*. Correct me if I'm wrong, the *build* directory is the one that we've previously created using the *create_builddir* tool right? For my case, I'm using the NOVA microkernel, and I named my build directory *build.nova*. So this should be the *build* directory right?
Hi Daren,
I can't seem to add the /config/ code in/build/bin/config/. Correct me if I'm wrong, the /build/ directory is the one that we've previously created using the /create_builddir/ tool right? For my case, I'm using the NOVA microkernel, and I named my build directory /build.nova/. So this should be the /build/ directory right?
you are right about the build directory. The tutorial assumes that you are using base-linux as base platforms. For kernels other than Linux, the integration of a runnable system image is a bit more elaborative. So we have crafted a tool called "run". It is described in the Chapter 2 and Section 5.4. of the new documentation [1]. For reference, a run script for the hello tutorial looks like [2].
[1] http://genode.org/documentation/genode-foundations-15-05.pdf [2] https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/blob/master/repos/hello_tutorial/run/he...
Cheers Norman