Hello Genodians
Unfortunatly, I've discovered a deadlock with CBE when using the test/block/client on it's encrypted volume via the vfs_block.
The runscript 'vfs_cbe_ram' on the following branch will reproduce the deadlock: https://github.com/throwException/genode/tree/cbe_ram_2
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Best regards Stefan
Hello Stefan,
Unfortunatly, I've discovered a deadlock with CBE when using the test/block/client on it's encrypted volume via the vfs_block.
The runscript 'vfs_cbe_ram' on the following branch will reproduce the deadlock: https://github.com/throwException/genode/tree/cbe_ram_2
Any ideas on how to fix this?
thank you for reporting this issue along with a way to reproduce it.
I'm afraid that we won't be able to attend it in the short term. I opened a corresponding issue [1] so that it will be addressed once our - in particular Martin's - time will permit.
[1] https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/issues/4304
Regards Norman