hi! i run fiasco.oc +genode+android4.0,but it runs slowly.my board has 1.2hz cpu and 1 g ram.why it runs so slowly? some material shows that virtural matchine only reduce 10% performance. is it the reason that i have not port the gpu driver?
any ideas will be helpful.
On 12/27/2013 03:02 PM, gaober wrote:
hi! i run fiasco.oc +genode+android4.0,but it runs slowly.my board has 1.2hz cpu and 1 g ram.why it runs so slowly? some material shows that virtural matchine only reduce 10% performance. is it the reason that i have not port the gpu driver?
any ideas will be helpful.
we actually discussed this issue some time ago:
I think that the perceived slowness can be largely attributed to the lack of graphics acceleration in L4Android.
Regards Norman