I've been modifying my file manager to use the VFS library as its backend, but I'm not entirely sure how to use properly, and I haven't found much documentation on how to use it (especially how to write to files) asynchronously. Could someone please explain this, and ideally add it to the official documentation as well?
Hello Ben,
On Sun, Jun 04, 2017 at 05:03:33PM -0600, Nobody III wrote:
I've been modifying my file manager to use the VFS library as its backend, but I'm not entirely sure how to use properly, and I haven't found much documentation on how to use it (especially how to write to files) asynchronously. Could someone please explain this, and ideally add it to the official documentation as well?
The VFS library is not intended to be used directly for development of custom components. It's more like a backend library (resp. utility) currently used by Noux, libc and the VFS server only. Therefore, the API has some rough edges and will undergo continues changes in mid-term. At the moment we're working on the asynchronous write part in the context of Noux. In consequence, there's currently almost no documentation beside the updates in the past release notes.
For now as I understand you're using Qt5 to implement your file manager, I'd suggest you use the Qt or libc file API to benefit from the VFS. In the future, we may develop some utilities for specific use cases that may use the VFS directly and provide a documented and stable API but there's no definite plan.