Hello everyone,
the 6th anniversary of the Genode OS Framework is approaching, which gives us many reasons to celebrate. To just name a few, in the past year, we have conquered VirtualBox to run on Genode, embraced NetBSD Rump kernels, and went full steam ahead with the development of our custom base-hw kernel. Business-wise, we are happy to be recognised as a trusted partner by our existing longtime customers. At the same time, we are excited that our company has gained much visibility outside of Europe. For example, the wide anticipation of our work on ARM TrustZone has taken us by surprise.
Let us celebrate the 6th anniversary of Genode together! To follow up with the tradition of the past years, we invite you to join our barbecue and campfire at the river Elbe:
Google Maps: http://goo.gl/maps/C0luj
28th of August, 6 pm near Moritzburger Str. 1 in Dresden
Whether you like to enjoy grilled vegetarian or non-vegetarian food, clink glasses with the Genode team, or catch up with local microkernel enthusiasts, you are welcome! If you are going to attend, we would greatly appreciate a short note from you to ease our preparations:
Cheers Norman