---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Norman Feske <norman.feske@...1...> Date: Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:37 AM
Alexandre Bique wrote:
That's great ! I really miss input other than click. I don't know how you started arora etc... I only ran the snprintf test and make run/demo. But I enabled every repository I think.
Good point .-) Would you mind taking question like these to the mailing list? I am sure other people have similar problems so they could benefit from our discussion. Anyway, I don't want to keep the information from you right now. In short: there exist many different run scripts. Each describes a particular boot scenario. Just have a quick look:
find <genode-dir> -maxdepth 3 -name "*.run"
You can specify each of those run-script names to 'make run/...' in your build directory. For example, to build and run, let's say vim, change to your OKL4 build directory and issue the following command:
make run/noux_vim
Not all run scripts work across all platforms. In the case of doubt, just risk a look inside the respective run script. I just noticed that there doesn't exist a ready-to-use run script for Arora. Maybe we should create one? The 'qt4.run' script could serve as a nice starting point. For the networking part, the 'lwip.run' script may be useful to look at.