Hello list, I come not with a problem but a solution,
My laptop shipped with a wireless card not supported by the Genode wifi driver, and replacing the card model raises an error from the BIOS (which raises some suspicions of firmware interaction).
This is usually not a problem as I have plenty of ethernet endpoints in my house, but it is inconvenient when I want to move around. I discovered a few of the people I know in town have actually removed the wireless cards from their Linux laptops and instead use USB powered routers to connect to wifi.
They recommended the NetAidKit to me, which I have been using without any problems. I connect to this small router through ethernet and the router acts as a wireless client. It is a solution with some physical bulk, but it pushes the complexity of wifi to the other side of my ethernet hardware.
It costs 50 euro, a lot compared to simple client hardware, but it is a project I don't mind supporting.
Cheers, Emery