When I run hello-tutorial on nova-x86-64, the output message is as follows:
NOVA Microhypervisor v7-9916e62 (x86_64): Jun 15 2015 18:38:12 [gcc 4.9.2]
[ 0] CORE:0:0:0 6:f:b:0 [0] Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7700 @ 2.40GHz Hypervisor does not feature VMX Hypervisor does not feature SVM Hypervisor reports 1x1 CPU - boot CPU is 0 Hypervisor info page contains 13 memory descriptors: detected physical memory: 0x0000000000000000 - size: 0x9fc00 use physical memory: 0x0000000000000000 - size: 0x9f000 detected physical memory: 0x0000000000100000 - size: 0x7efe000 use physical memory: 0x0000000000100000 - size: 0x7efe000 map multi-boot module: physical 0x07de3000 -> [0x001c2000-0x00284be8) - core map multi-boot module: physical 0x07ea6000 -> [0x00002000-0x00002235) - config map multi-boot module: physical 0x07ea7000 -> [0x00006000-0x00063720) - init map multi-boot module: physical 0x07f05000 -> [0x00067000-0x000b4090) - hello_client map multi-boot module: physical 0x07f53000 -> [0xb0000000-0xb00518d8) - hello_server map multi-boot module: physical 0x07fa5000 -> [0x00288000-0x002e0978) - timer :virt_alloc: Allocator 17ce90 dump: Block: [00002000,00004000) size=00002000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00004000,00005000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00005000,00006000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00006000,00065000) size=0005f000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00065000,00066000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00066000,00067000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00067000,000b6000) size=0004f000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [000b6000,000b7000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [000b7000,000b8000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=7fff400f8000 Block: [000b8000,000b9000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [000b9000,000ba000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [000ba000,000bb000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00043000 Block: [000bb000,000bc000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [000bc000,000bd000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [000bd000,00100000) size=00043000 avail=00043000 max_avail=00043000 Block: [001c2000,00286000) size=000c4000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00286000,00287000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=7fff400f8000 Block: [00287000,00288000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00288000,002e2000) size=0005a000 avail=00000000 max_avail=9fd1e000 Block: [002e2000,a0000000) size=9fd1e000 avail=9fd1e000 max_avail=9fd1e000 Block: [b0000000,b0053000) size=00053000 avail=00000000 max_avail=7fff400f8000 Block: [b0053000,bfeff000) size=0feac000 avail=0feac000 max_avail=7fff400f8000 Block: [bff04000,7fffffffc000) size=7fff400f8000 avail=7fff400f8000 max_avail=7fff400f8000 => mem_size=140737219080192 (134217471 MB) / mem_avail=140737216794624 (134217469 MB) :phys_alloc: Allocator 17bde0 dump: Block: [00001000,00002000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00002000,00003000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00003000,00004000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00004000,00005000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00005000,00006000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00006000,00007000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=055e3000 Block: [00007000,00008000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00008000,00009000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00009000,0000a000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [0000a000,0000b000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00093000 Block: [0000b000,0000c000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [0000c000,0009f000) size=00093000 avail=00093000 max_avail=00093000 Block: [00100000,00101000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=055e3000 Block: [00101000,00102000) size=00001000 avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [00102000,00400000) size=002fe000 avail=002fe000 max_avail=055e3000 Block: [02800000,07de3000) size=055e3000 avail=055e3000 max_avail=055e3000 => mem_size=93851648 (89 MB) / mem_avail=93798400 (89 MB) :io_mem_alloc: Allocator 17df58 dump: Block: [00000000,00001000) size=00001000 avail=00001000 max_avail=00001000 Block: [0009f000,00100000) size=00061000 avail=00061000 max_avail=fffffffff8001000 Block: [07ffe000,fffffffffffff000) size=fffffffff8001000 avail=fffffffff8001000 max_avail=fffffffff8001000 => mem_size=18446744073575739392 (17592186044288 MB) / mem_avail=18446744073575739392 (17592186044288 MB) Genode 15.05 int main(): --- create local services --- int main(): --- start init --- int main(): transferred 88 MB to init [init] Could not open ROM session for module "ld.lib.so" [init -> hello_client] int main(): enter main() in client...1 [init -> hello_server] int main(): Enter main() in Server... [init -> hello_server] Hello::Root_component::Root_component(Genode::Rpc_entrypoint*, Genode::Allocator*): Creating root component. [init] timer: no route to service "ROM" [init -> hello_server] virtual Hello::Session_component* Hello::Root_component::_create_session(const char*): creating hello session. [init -> hello_client] int main(): enter main() in client...2 [init -> timer] Could not open ROM session for module "hypervisor_info_page" [init -> timer] void* abort(): abort called int main(): --- init created, waiting for exit condition ---
What's the matter? Thanks!
On 16.06.2015 03:55, 刘海剑 wrote:
[init] Could not open ROM session for module "ld.lib.so" [init -> hello_client] int main(): enter main() in client...1 [init -> hello_server] int main(): Enter main() in Server... [init -> hello_server] Hello::Root_component::Root_component(Genode::Rpc_entrypoint*, Genode::Allocator*): Creating root component. [init] timer: no route to service "ROM"
The timer service requires on base-nova a ROM service. Try adding the "ROM" service to the parent-provides xml node.
[init -> hello_server] virtual Hello::Session_component* Hello::Root_component::_create_session(const char*): creating hello session. [init -> hello_client] int main(): enter main() in client...2 [init -> timer] Could not open ROM session for module "hypervisor_info_page" [init -> timer] void* abort(): abort called int main(): --- init created, waiting for exit condition ---
Hi Genode community
I am currently working on porting Genode + Fiasco.OC to the ODROID-x2 (exynos4412) platform. And this functional with basic examples. Also, I'm interested in giving support for USB using the dde_linux but I have some questions about this. dde_linux supports ODROID-x2 (exynos4412)? What you need to implement to use USB in this platform?