Hi Peter,
Thanks for your help as usual. With my code, I have functionality that is based on the iguana trace buffer. As such, some of my functionality is iguana based. In particular, I am wondering how i can go about mapping kernel memory to user space in a way that works the same as the Iguana trace buffer, given you have suggested that Genode primitives should be used.
the best way to go for mapping a predefined physical memory area into a Genode process is using core's IO_MEM service because, logically, this memory can be seen as device memory. When opening an IO_MEM session (see 'base/include/io_mem_session/connection.h'), you can specify the physical base address and the size of the physical memory resource. You can then request a dataspace capability from this session and use it for attaching the memory to the local address space (via 'env()->rm_session()->attach()'). For an example of using the IO_MEM service, please have a look at the GTA01 platform driver, which relies on this procedure to access platform registers:
Please make sure that your trace buffer is outside the normal RAM configured in the elfweaver config file because core will refuse to hand out memory as IO_MEM when this memory is reported as normal RAM. To see the physical memory considered as normal RAM, you can enable the 'verbose_boot_info' flag in 'base-okl4/src/core/platform.cc'.
Regards Norman