I'm trying to get SD card support running on a Beaglebone (OMAP3). The sdcard driver from the Pandaboard (OMAP4) implementation should work, as the same MMC hardware is used on both boards. With only changes to the hardware address and the irq to reference one of the mmc instances on the Beaglebone, I successfully detect an SD card and read one block from it. This was done using the content of the /sd_card_bench/ run script. After the successful block read (non-dma), a call is made in the driver to "/complete_packet/" in the session pointed to from the Block driver. This call fails at the call tx_sink()->ready_to_ack() into the session_rpc_object with:
/no RM attachment (faulter 802d208c with IP 81009fc4 attempts to read from address 200)// //unknown signal context/.
Does this indicate that the rpc object was not set up correctly? Since I'm using the code in the OMAP4 /bench///directory untouched to run this, I would not have expected an issue with the block driver set up.
Any advice would be appreciated, as I dig further in the Genode rpc's.
Bob Stewart