Hello Divya,
On 2023-03-15 11:27, Divya Sharma wrote:
As you said i launched only [init -> runtime -> virtio_mmio_nic] component,but still the runtime version is not getting the mac address,as seen in the log ,don't why.Is there anything left for routing the uplink request from nic driver to virtio_mmio_nic.
may [1] be the missing piece of the puzzle?
[1] https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/blob/master/repos/gems/run/sculpt.run#L...
By convention, Sculpt labels the nic driver as "nic_drv". When the sculpt manager generates the <start> node for runtime, it uses this generic name as binary name. Also, the <policy> node generated for the nic router takes this name as key for selecting the network domain.
If the label does not match, the nic router leaves the uplink session unused because it has no matching policy.
To bridge the gap between the generic convention and the platform- specific driver name, the sculpt.run script uses the 'nic_drv' and 'nic_drv_dtb' functions to rewrite the labels for the ROM sessions for the binary and dtb to the corresponding platform-specific names of the ROM modules at core.
Cheers Norman