welcome Costinteo to the mailing list, and thanks Cedric for commenting on the question!
Costinteo wrote:
I saw Issue #4323, regarding a possible memory leak. To my understanding, this would be a very easy fix, just free the void pointer that was allocated. Is that enough?
Your understanding is right.
The issue is indeed rather marginal and simple to fix. In practice, I have not witnessed a failure of map local. However, I spotted this potential problem while working on issue #4324 [1] and opened the separate issue #4323 [2] as a matter of hygiene instead of silently fixing it as I went. But there is also the broader observation, outlined below.
[1] https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/issues/4324 [2] https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/issues/4323
Cedrik wrote:
[...] are there similar unspotted problems elsewhere in the code, can it be solved with RAII instead of manual freeing [...]
I think that issue #4323 highlights a fragile programming pattern of manually rolling back operations in the error case. So Cedrik's mentioning of RAII as an alternative is spot-on.
When reviewing the core code related to 'map_local' - especially when looking at more than one base platform - one can observe the repeated sequence of allocating a physical range, allocating a virtual range, installing the mapping, accessing the mapped memory, unmapping, and releasing the virtual range. The manual repetition of this sequence ought better be replaced by a single implementation (using a lambda function for accessing the content similar to [3]). Once when going forward with implementing this general improvement, one can conveniently reference issue #4323 as the underlying motivation. ;-)
[3] https://github.com/nfeske/genode/commit/d65820a8326c77865d53887ce552c9f0c94b...
How should I go about helping with this? Search for such spots and add a deallocation for each I find, then create a pull request?
Reports about potential bugs are highly appreciated. Should you encounter code that raises your eyebrows, please bring it up. So we can either explain why it looks the way it is (and likely comment the code) or improve/fix it.
I'd not rush issuing pull requests to Genode's main repository in the beginning. To get familiar with the project and the community, it is certainly best to pursue a custom project of your genuine research interests, maybe contributing to genode-world [4] along the way. To get inspiration for potential topics to work on, you may find the "Challenges" page [5] insightful. Note that some of these topics are already being worked on. To coordinate, please don't hesitate to post your plans to this mailing list.
You may also have a look at the recently published articles at Genodians.org [6] to get a tangible feeling about current topics of interest.
[4] https://github.com/genodelabs/genode-world/ [5] https://genode.org/about/challenges [6] https://genodians.org
Cheers Norman