Hi all,
after noticing that lwip is not fulfilling my requirements I tried to use lxip. Yet I'm not sure how to use it correctly. Just replacing lwip with lxip yields multiple errors:
[init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: no plugin found for socket() [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: Failed to open socket: -1 [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: no plugin found for bind(-1) [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: Failed to bind: -1 [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: no plugin found for listen(-1)
I looked into the lxip_udp_echo but I can't find anything that is special to lxip and that could make a difference. So I cannot see where this plugin (what plugin?) is missing and how I could include it.
Regards, Johannes