Thanks you Christian.
I was also reaching the same conclusion. I made changes to so that fcntl always returns success for F_SETLK. But your patch is cleaner.
Best, Sid
On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 9:20 PM Christian Prochaska wrote:
[CAUTION: Non-UBC Email]
Hi Sid,
I had to patch the sqlite3 implementation that comes with Qt5 because of missing F_SETLK support. Maybe it is the same problem?
This is the patch:
On 11.06.23 05:26, Sid Agrawal wrote:
Hi, I am writing a simple program to exercise sqlite3. I have written it using vfs_example_5 as a base, so I can access a file. Though the program compiles (which is great), I am running into issues at runtime. Looks like SQLite is calling fcntl with a command that the vfs_plugin doesn't recognize.
My gut tells me that I am missing some compile flags, i.e., I need to compile the sqlite3.c file in a way that is better suited to the libc version used by Genode, which, IIRC is BSD's libc. Or perhaps I need to use an older version of SQLite? Or I could be way off :)
It would be great if folks could point me in the right direction. My code and steps to repro are below.
Best, Sid
Source Code:
Steps to reproduce:
git clone cd genode git checkout sid-branch ./tool/create_builddir x86_64 cd build/x86_64 # Update build.conf to # - include osmosis_examples, libports and ports repos # - comment out the -no-kvm option <GENODE_DIR>/tool/ports/prepare_port grub2 libc make KERNEL=hw run/sqlite_example
Output: -----------------------START-------------------------------- kernel initialized Warning: TSC calibration not yet implemented, using fixed value Genode 21.05-2061-gcf807a62cb 785 MiB RAM and 64533 caps assigned to init [init -> sqlite_example] Starting example [init -> sqlite_example] Error: fcntl(): command 12 not supported - vfs [init -> sqlite_example] Error: fcntl(): command 12 not supported - vfs [init -> sqlite_example] Error: fcntl(): command 12 not supported - vfs [init -> sqlite_example] Error: fcntl(): command 12 not supported - vfs [init] child "sqlite_example" exited with exit value 0
Run script execution successful. -----------------------END--------------------------------
On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 9:26 AM Sid Agrawal wrote:
Hi, I would like to run SQLite inside a Genode process. I could not find a run recipe or a dir in libports. Has someone tried in the past? If so, can you please point me in the right direction?
Best, Sid PhD UBC
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