Hello Minskey,
when I follow your instructions to build sel4/genode. It says that:
Error: Ports not prepared or outdated: acpica ada-runtime bzip2 ccid curl drm e2fsprogs-lib expat fatfs ffi freetype fribidi gcov gmp icu jbig2dec jitterentropy jpeg libarchive libc libgcrypt libiconv libpng libsparkcrypto libssh libusb libyaml lua lwip lz4 mesa mpc mpfr mupdf ncurses openjpeg openssl pcg-c pcre pcsc-lite python qemu-usb qoost qt5 readline rust sanitizer solo5 stdcxx x86emu xz zlib
so I try to do "./tool/ports/prepare_port“ for all of them. But when uncompress qt5, it complains of missing moc compiler:
can't exec "/usr/local/genode-qt5/bin/moc"
Can I use local(Ubuntu 19.04/x86 moc) instead ? Or where can I download genode specific moc ?
I presume that you issued the 'make' command without any argument. In this case, the build system tries to build everything, which is certainly not your intention.
Please consider following the steps described in the getting-started chapter of the documentation, in particular Sections 3 ("Using the build system") and 4 ("A simple system scenario"):
Cheers Norman