Hi Alex, I see, so there is some 2^N round up. Why is this, I thought it used an AVL tree to manage memory?
Also, can you run the test with..
#define NUM_REGIONS 15 #define TOTAL_MEMORY_TO_USE GB(2) #define REGION_SIZE MB(96)
I then get unhandled page faults. Can you see why?
Thanks Daniel
On Wed, 2013-07-10 at 14:26 +0200, Christian Prochaska wrote:
On 10.07.2013 14:10, Christian Prochaska wrote:
at an address which is aligned to the dataspace size
actually, it's not aligned exactly to the dataspace size, but I don't know the correct wording. What I mean is, that a dataspace of size 102M, for example, will be placed at address 128M (or 256M ...).
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