Hi John,
Am 19.12.2015 um 02:00 schrieb John David:
I am trying to run Android in the normal world. Is it possible to run an Android OS without any modification?
At least, you would have to patch the Linux Kernel that your Android is based on. I don't know whether the rest of Android needs patching too. If you investigate this farther, it would be nice if you could keep me informed about your progress!
Where i can find patchs of the Linux kernel in the current demo?
As described in the article, there is a tutorial on how to build the used Linux [1]. The tutorial references a git branch that contains the mentioned patches [2].
Is there a trustzone demo on USB Armory which runs Android in the normal world while Genode in secure world?
No, and I don't know anybody who's currently working at such a demo.
I couldn't even find an Android image for USB Armory. Appreciate if you could give me a hint on this.
I have not tried to build Android for the USB Armory yet and can't thus give you any other advice but to contact the Inversepath staff regarding this question.
Cheers, Martin
[1] https://github.com/m-stein/genode_binaries/blob/master/tz_vmm/usb_armory/REA...
[2] https://github.com/m-stein/linux/tree/genode_hw_usb_armory_tz_vmm