Am Dienstag, den 17.01.2012, 21:18 +0100 schrieb Norman Feske:
Hi Julian,
if I do make run/noux_vim it will _always_ rebuild vim, regardless of whether this is useful. Is there a way to avoid this?
you are right - this is a bit annoying. The simplest solution is to comment-out the following line in the '' script:
lappend build_components noux-pkg/vim
It is on a separate line for a reason. .-)
Hehe. Ok. That seems like a good workaround. :) Thanks.
Another idea I had was to make the behavior of building noux packages configurable via a build SPEC. E.g., by specifying the value 'phony_noux_pkg' to the SPECS build variable, the current policy could be enabled. Otherwise, a no-rebuild policy could be in effect. But I haven't made my mind yet whether I like this idea or not. The best would be if '' always did the right thing. But how?
I have absolutely no idea. For development, I would probably prefer the "configure once, make always" policy, but you are right: This doesn't evaluate dependencies correctly.