Hello Ben,
On Sun, Apr 01, 2018 at 04:32:25PM -0600, Nobody III wrote:
Also, the AHCI driver still doesn't work, and gives the "sys_assign_pci: Invalid Hint" errors [...]
These messages are diagnostics from the NOVA kernel. I admit the wording is misleading but it just tells that the given hint (i.e., PCI bus-device-function ID) is not associated to any known DMA-remapping unit but the platform_drv tried to configure the DMAR/IOMMU for it. The device and, so, the driver should still be functional just without DMA restrictions. The reason for the missing DMAR association can be everything from missing IOMMU at entirely to missing support for this type of unit in NOVA. The early NOVA log messages may help but I can't promise anything. The pragmatic approach is to just ignore the messages for now.