Hi Dawson,
Genode is not directly bootable as a coreboot payload but is bootable from GRUB. As far as I know all the of the supported kernels on x86 use the multiboot standard, which is the same as Hurd, so you can cross-reference GRUB config snippets between the two.
I'm a bit suprised you found my NixOS dualboot instructions, I don't remember if I finished it. I assume that the same would work for Guix, the essence of it is that the configuration changes slightly depending on which boot partition is mounted.
I don't run a system like that anymore because I had some practical problems with NixOS as a desktop distro, but I may return to it if I had a second VM to use.
Good luck, Emery
On Mon, 22 May 2017 18:39:48 -0700 Dawson Shay <dawson.shay@...512...> wrote:
First of all thank you very much for your time! I have but two questions: first off, is Genode compatible with Libreboot? Secondly, I had this https://gist.github.com/ehmry/66f0aafefc7b3fefb14ebede5f64f94b , and it has me wondering if such a thing might be possible with an operating system such as GuixSD (a NixOS fork)?
Thank you for your time!