Hello Jerry,
1 more question at this juncture. Lighttpd seems hardwired to I can see how the host IP is set in the netperf scenario, how do I modify for Lighttpd?
you can add static IP settings to the <libc> config node of lighttpd, for example:
<libc stdin="/dev/null" stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log" ip_addr="" gateway="" netmask=""> ... </libc>
If no such configuration is specified (as in the 'lighttpd.run' script), the TCP/IP stack issues a DHCP request to obtain this information. The IP address that you see is actually not hard-wired in the Genode scenario but the response from Qemu's built-in DHCP server.
I've only experimented with NOVA so far. The Seoul-fancy scenario, for example, boots and runs from the generated ISO on VMWare. The UI manager appears but I cannot get any of the consoles to run. Dosbox works as expected.
Seoul relies in hardware virtualization support (VT). To run the scenario inside a virtual machine, you need to make sure that your virtual machine supports nested virtualization well. Alternatively, you may try booting the image on a real machine. The easiest way is to dump the ISO image to an USB stick via 'dd', and boot the machine from the USB stick.
Cheers Norman