Sorry to be a pest, but I came across the the following issue when trying to port dde_linux in the new 14.05 release:
*/Work/Genode/genode-14.05/tool/ports$ ./prepare_port dde_linux** **dde_linux download** **Cloning into 'src/lib/dde_linux/drivers/usb/host/dwc_otg'...** **remote: Counting objects: 233, done.** **remote: Compressing objects: 100% (93/93), done.** **remote: Total 233 (delta 138), reused 233 (delta 138)** **Receiving objects: 100% (233/233), 420.95 KiB, done.** **Resolving deltas: 100% (138/138), done.** **dde_linux update src/lib/dde_linux/drivers/usb/host/dwc_otg** **dde_linux download** **dde_linux extract linux-3.9.tar.gz** **dde_linux extract linux-3.9.tar.gz** **dde_linux apply patches/*.patch** **The text leading up to this was:** **--------------------------** **|diff -r a103aef8f269 drivers/usb/host/.xhci-pci.c.swp** **|Binary file drivers/usb/host/.xhci-pci.c.swp has changed** **|diff -r a103aef8f269 drivers/usb/host/xhci-pci.c** **|--- a/drivers/usb/host/xhci-pci.c Wed Mar 05 13:54:43 2014 +0100** **|+++ b/drivers/usb/host/xhci-pci.c Wed Mar 05 13:58:50 2014 +0100** **--------------------------** **File to patch: *
Any help would be appreciated. Bob