On 01/13/2014 07:49 AM, Bulusu Kartik wrote:
Hey, I am trying to build an application over genode.
When I giving "make hello" inside my build file. I am getting following error:
Error: target 'hello' does not exist make: *** [error_missing_targets] Error 1
guessing that are you are following the steps of the hello tutorial and want to execute a run script named 'hello.run', the command to execute the the script should be:
make run/hello
Please also double check that the repository that contains the 'hello.run' script is specified in your '<build-dir>/etc/build.conf' file. For example, if you want to try out the finished version of the hello tutorial that is part of Genode's source tree (at '<genode-dir>/hello_tutorial'), make sure that the following line is uncommented:
REPOSITORIES += $(GENODE_DIR)/hello_tutorial
Regards Norman