On Wed, May 08, 2013 at 12:02:52PM +0200, Norman Feske wrote:
I guess the problem lies in the nitpicker GUI server, which normally responds to mouse-button events, in particular the left mouse button. It interprets those events by setting the input-routing policy according to where the user clicked with the mouse. However, you are merely submitting 'BTN_TOUCH' events. So nitpicker won't interpret those. The easiest fix would be to let the driver generate 'BTN_LEFT' events instead of 'BTN_TOUCH' events. This way, nitpicker would see the kind of events it is expecting. Alternatively, we could change nitpicker to also respond to 'BTN_TOUCH' events.
In order for the Android input system to correctly work you should report BTN_TOUCH events to Android. On L4Re the L4Linux fb driver has the option l4fb.touchscreen which results in the fb driver implicitly converting BTN_LEFT events into BTN_TOUCH.
However, the best way is, if the (native) input driver conforms to Linux's multitouch protocol.
Best, Matthias.