On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 2:36 PM, Christian Helmuth < christian.helmuth@...1...> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 05, 2017 at 11:54:47AM +0500, Shahbaz khan wrote:
I have started working with Genode, while I am interested in foc based development and it seems the Genode efforts also prefer foc as I have
trying run/demo for builds.
I would not go along with telling that we "prefer" base-foc as most of our scenarios run on all supported kernels. Prominent exceptions are support for hardware virtualization (only on NOVA and hw/Muen) and TrustZone (hw only). If you address ARM and x86 alike I'd suggest you try out base-hw.
I got a bit acquainted with the release notes but I still find it difficult to comprehend what really base-hw means when we say "Genode base -hw" on Muen SK.
I am having some build issues (I do get an image.elf but build does not complete) and have yet not looked into earlier commits and branches so I would appreciate if you can let me know what actually runs over Muen SK in Genode base-hw kernel VM. Does it mean we run another kernel like nova between Muen and virtualbox.
I really like the idea but if we have another kernel below virtualbox than why not run virtualbox on Muen as a subject? I am unable to criticize clearly due to the mentioned confusion.
Regards, Shahbaz