Hello Steve,
On Wed, Nov 08, 2017 at 05:35:26PM -0600, Steven Harp wrote:
Release notes for 17.08 briefly describe changes to the FatFS-based plugin. I'm having difficulty making this work with a VFS server and a FAT filesystem on an AHCI block device.
Are there good examples of such a configuration in 17.08?
Some of the examples that I'd hoped would work, from libports (libc_vfs_{fs_fat, fat, component, fatfs_fs}), do not seem to run. Perhaps this reflects the recent changes? Yes, I see none of these are in the autopilot list, and the libc_vfs examples in that list do seem to function correctly, but don't illustrate the desired scenario.
I just tested "make run/libc_vfs_fat KERNEL=nova" and it works on our staging branch after I followed the hint in the log
Error: missing depot archives: genodelabs/src/base-nova genodelabs/src/init genodelabs/src/ahci_drv You may create the following archives locally:
.../tool/depot/create genodelabs/bin/x86_64/base-nova genodelabs/bin/x86_64/init genodelabs/bin/x86_64/ahci_drv CROSS_DEV_PREFIX=/usr/local/genode-gcc/bin/genode-x86-
and created the missing depot archives. I added "-j 8" to the command line for parallel build. It needs some tweaks for regressions on 17.08 though.
An up-to-date README for VFS would be really handy...
The current VFS implementation can be seen as an intermediate development step. There are already many features, which solve a lot of use cases, but in our opinion we did not attain our goals yet. Therefore, we expect several aspects will change on the path and deferred thorough documentation beyond the available run scripts.