I have tried to go through building process of L4linux for Genode. I have made Demo. It is OK. Next, I have built L4Linux for Genode with initrd.gz from demo CD. But kernel stops with segmentation fault. What is wrong?
Thanks, Yuri.
=================================================================================================== KIP @ 400000 magic: 4be6344c version: 87004444 sigma0 esp: 002dba48 eip: 001000fc sigma1 esp: 00000000 eip: 00000000 root esp: 00000000 eip: 0017b7cc MBI @ 2dc000 mod[3] [11fa000,11fa3df) config mod[4] [11fb000,12313f4) init mod[5] [1232000,125c6d8) pci_drv mod[6] [125d000,1282c60) timer mod[7] [1283000,12cc424) vesa_drv mod[8] [12cd000,12f8ec8) ps2_drv mod[9] [12f9000,1630d68) vmlinux mod[10] [1631000,186d400) initrd.gz :ram_alloc: Allocator 192604 dump: Block: [00001000,0009f000) size=0009e000 avail=0009e000 max_avail=0009e000 Block: [0010c000,0010c01c) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=0009e000 Block: [0010c01c,0010c038) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [0010c038,0010c054) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=0009e000 Block: [0010c054,0010c070) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [0010c070,0010c08c) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00033f58 Block: [0010c08c,0010c0a8) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [0010c0a8,00140000) size=00033f58 avail=00033f58 max_avail=00033f58 Block: [001a8000,001a801c) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=1bea1000 Block: [001a801c,001a8038) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [001a8038,002dc000) size=00133fc8 avail=00133fc8 max_avail=00133fc8 Block: [002dd000,002dd01c) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=1bea1000 Block: [002dd01c,00400000) size=00122fe4 avail=00122fe4 max_avail=00122fe4 Block: [00465000,011fa000) size=00d95000 avail=00d95000 max_avail=1bea1000 Block: [0186e000,1d70f000) size=1bea1000 avail=1bea1000 max_avail=1bea1000 => mem_size=485879808 (463 MB) / mem_avail=485879556 (463 MB) :region_alloc: Allocator 193774 dump: Block: [0009f000,0010c000) size=0006d000 avail=0006d000 max_avail=0006d000 Block: [00401000,00465000) size=00064000 avail=00064000 max_avail=70000000 Block: [1d70f000,40000000) size=228f1000 avail=228f1000 max_avail=70000000 Block: [50000000,c0000000) size=70000000 avail=70000000 max_avail=70000000 => mem_size=2459705344 (2345 MB) / mem_avail=2459705344 (2345 MB) :io_mem: Allocator 192a60 dump: Block: [00000000,00001000) size=00001000 avail=00001000 max_avail=00001000 Block: [0009f000,0010c000) size=0006d000 avail=0006d000 max_avail=0006d000 Block: [00401000,00465000) size=00064000 avail=00064000 max_avail=e28f0fff Block: [1d70f000,ffffffff) size=e28f0fff avail=e28f0fff max_avail=e28f0fff => mem_size=3801886719 (3625 MB) / mem_avail=3801886719 (3625 MB) :io_port: Allocator 192ebc dump: Block: [00000000,00010000) size=00010000 avail=00010000 max_avail=00010000 => mem_size=65536 (0 MB) / mem_avail=65536 (0 MB) :irq: Allocator 193318 dump: Block: [00000000,00000010) size=00000010 avail=00000010 max_avail=00000010 => mem_size=16 (0 MB) / mem_avail=16 (0 MB) :rom_fs: Rom_fs 193bb8 dump: Rom: [01232000,0125c6d8) pci_drv Rom: [011fb000,012313f4) init Rom: [011fa000,011fa3df) config Rom: [00400000,00401000) kip Rom: [01631000,0186d400) initrd.gz Rom: [00400000,00401000) l4v2_kip Rom: [0125d000,01282c60) timer Rom: [012cd000,012f8ec8) ps2_drv Rom: [01283000,012cc424) vesa_drv Rom: [012f9000,01630d68) vmlinux :core ranges: Allocator 1945fc dump: Block: [00001000,0009f000) size=0009e000 avail=0009e000 max_avail=0009e000 Block: [0010c000,002dc000) size=001d0000 avail=001d0000 max_avail=001d0000 Block: [002dd000,00400000) size=00123000 avail=00123000 max_avail=1d2aa000 Block: [00465000,1d70f000) size=1d2aa000 avail=1d2aa000 max_avail=1d2aa000 => mem_size=493072384 (470 MB) / mem_avail=493072384 (470 MB) int main(): --- create local services --- int main(): --- start init --- int main(): transferred 463 MB to init int main(): --- init created, waiting for exit condition --- [init] Could not open file "ldso" [init -> ps2_drv] Detected ExPS/2 mouse - activating scroll-wheel and 5-button support. [init -> ps2_drv] Using keyboard with scan code set 1 (xlate). [init -> pci_drv] PCI driver started [init -> vmlinux] Region map: [init -> vmlinux] 0x00000000 - 0x00001000 [reserved] [init -> vmlinux] 0x00001000 - 0x00005000 [unused] [init -> vmlinux] 0x00005000 - 0x00006000 [KIP] [init -> vmlinux] 0x00006000 - 0x00400000 [unused] [init -> vmlinux] 0x00400000 - 0x007aa000 [Binary] [init -> vmlinux] 0x007aa000 - 0x40000000 [unused] [init -> vmlinux] 0x40000000 - 0x50000000 [Thread Context Area] [init -> vmlinux] 0x50000000 - 0xffffffff [unused] [init -> vmlinux] ======> L4Linux 2.6 starting... <======== [init -> vmlinux] Linux version 2.6.37-l4+ (gg@...74...) (gcc version 4.4.5 (GCC) ) #46 Fri May 20 12:36:54 MSD 2011 [init -> vmlinux] Binary name: vmlinux [init -> vmlinux] Linux kernel command line (3 args): mem=128M l4x_rd=initrd.gz text [init -> vmlinux] CPU mapping (l:p)[1]: 0:0 [init -> vmlinux] Image: 00401000 - 007aa000 [3748 KiB]. [init -> vmlinux] Areas: Text: 00401000 - 006da000 [2916kB] (a bit longer) [init -> vmlinux] Data: 006da000 - 006f94c4 [125kB] [init -> vmlinux] Initdata: 00702000 - 0072c000 [168kB] [init -> vmlinux] BSS: 0072c000 - 00799350 [436kB] [init -> vmlinux] l4util_cpu_capabilities: Not implemented yet! [init -> vmlinux] gs=43 fs=43 [init -> vmlinux] l4io_get_root_device: Not implemented yet! [init -> vmlinux] Device scan: [init -> vmlinux] l4io_iterate_devices: Not implemented yet! [init -> vmlinux] l4x_fiasco_gdt_entry_offset = 9 [init -> vmlinux] l4lx_thread_name_set: Not implemented yet! [init -> vmlinux] main thread will be c [init -> vmlinux] l4x_register_pointer_section: addr = 00400000 size = 3842048 [init -> vmlinux] section-with-init: virt: 400000 to 7a9fff [3752 KiB] [init -> vmlinux] Cannot determine physical address for dataspace Binary! [init -> vmlinux] error: failed to get physical address for 400000. [init -> vmlinux] l4x_linux_startup: thread c. [init -> vmlinux] main thread: received startup message. [init -> vmlinux] thread=c000 cpu=0 [init -> vmlinux] utcb bff00200 [init -> vmlinux] l4x_setup_memory: Forcing superpages for main memory [init -> vmlinux] Main thread running, waiting... [init -> vmlinux] Main memory size: 128MB unmapping of managed dataspaces not yet supported [init -> vmlinux] Main memory: virt: 8000000 to fffffff [131072 KiB] [init -> vmlinux] Main memory: Phys: 0x0186e000 to 0x0986e000, Size: 134217728 [init -> vmlinux] Filling lower ptabs... [init -> vmlinux] Done (0 entries). [init -> vmlinux] l4x_register_pointer_section: addr = 00400000 size = 3842048 [init -> vmlinux] end: virt: 400000 to 7a9fff [3752 KiB] [init -> vmlinux] Cannot determine physical address for dataspace Binary! [init -> vmlinux] error: failed to get physical address for 400000. [init -> vmlinux] l4x_rd_path: initrd.gz [init -> vmlinux] Loading: initrd.gz [init -> vmlinux] INITRD: Size of RAMdisk is 2292KiB [init -> vmlinux] RAMdisk from 007aa000 to 009e7000 [2292KiB] [init -> vesa_drv] Could not open file "config" [init -> vesa_drv] Could not obtain config file [init -> vesa_drv] Found: VESA BIOS version 2.0 [init -> vesa_drv] OEM: VGABIOS Cirrus extension [init -> vesa_drv] Found: physical frame buffer at 0xf0000000 size: 0x00400000 [init -> vmlinux] L4 serial driver [init -> vmlinux] cpu0: segfault for init(1) [T:1cc] at 9150a784, ip=b7426021, pferror = 4 [init -> vmlinux] 08048000 - 080c3000 r-xp 00000 /bin/busybox [init -> vmlinux] 080c3000 - 080c4000 rw-p 0007a /bin/busybox [init -> vmlinux] 080c4000 - 080c6000 rw-p [init -> vmlinux] b72cc000 - b72cd000 rw-p [init -> vmlinux] b72cd000 - b7424000 r-xp 00000 /lib/libc-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b7424000 - b7425000 r--p 00157 /lib/libc-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b7425000 - b7427000 rw-p 00158 /lib/libc-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b7427000 - b742a000 rw-p [init -> vmlinux] b742a000 - b744e000 r-xp 00000 /lib/libm-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b744e000 - b7450000 rw-p 00023 /lib/libm-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b7450000 - b7451000 rw-p [init -> vmlinux] b7451000 - b7452000 r-xp [init -> vmlinux] b7452000 - b7471000 r-xp 00000 /lib/ld-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b7471000 - b7473000 rw-p 0001e /lib/ld-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] bf4d5000 - bf4f7000 rw-p
--------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU 0 [00404160]: segfault [ cpu0] jdb: expect: spawn id exp6 not open while executing "expect { -re $wait_for_re { } timeout { puts stderr "Error: Test execution timed out"; exit -2 } }" (procedure "run_genode_until" line 10) invoked from within "run_genode_until forever" (file "/home/gg/src/genode/ports-foc/run/l4linux.run" line 81) invoked from within "source $include_name" ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach include_name [get_cmd_arg --include ""] { puts "using run script $include_name" source $include_name }" (file "/home/gg/src/genode/tool/run" line 258) make: *** [run/l4linux] Error 1 gg@...74...:~/build/genode$ make run/l4linux using run script /home/gg/src/genode/base-foc/run/env using run script /home/gg/src/genode/ports-foc/run/l4linux.run building targets: core init drivers/timer drivers/framebuffer/vesa drivers/pci drivers/input/ps2 l4linux
spawn make core init drivers/timer drivers/framebuffer/vesa drivers/pci drivers/input/ps2 l4linux make[1]: Entering directory `/home/gg/build/genode' checking library dependencies for core... checking library dependencies for init... checking library dependencies for drivers/timer... Skip target drivers/timer/okl4_x86 because it requires okl4 Skip target drivers/timer/okl4_arm because it requires okl4 arm Skip target drivers/timer/codezero because it requires codezero Skip target drivers/timer/pistachio because it requires pistachio Skip target drivers/timer/nova because it requires nova Skip target drivers/timer/fiasco because it requires fiasco Skip target drivers/timer/linux because it requires linux checking library dependencies for drivers/framebuffer/vesa... checking library dependencies for drivers/pci... checking library dependencies for drivers/input/ps2... Skip target drivers/input/ps2/pl050 because it requires pl050 checking library dependencies for l4linux... Library syscalls Library cap_alloc Library ipc Library slab Library avl_tree Library allocator_avl Library heap Library console Library log_console Library lock Library env Library cxx Library thread Library server Library elf Library process Library startup Program init/init Program drivers/timer/foc/timer Library blit Program drivers/framebuffer/vesa/vesa_drv Program drivers/pci/x86/pci_drv Program drivers/input/ps2/x86/ps2_drv Library l4lx Library l4sys Program l4linux/x86/32bit/vmlinux Using /home/gg/src/genode/ports-foc/contrib as source for kernel GEN /home/gg/build/genode/l4linux/Makefile CHK include/linux/version.h CHK include/generated/utsrelease.h CALL /home/gg/src/genode/ports-foc/contrib/scripts/checksyscalls.sh CHK include/generated/compile.h LD vmlinux.o MODPOST vmlinux.o GEN .version CHK include/generated/compile.h UPD include/generated/compile.h CC init/version.o LD init/built-in.o LD .tmp_vmlinux1 KSYM .tmp_kallsyms1.S AS .tmp_kallsyms1.o LD .tmp_vmlinux2 KSYM .tmp_kallsyms2.S AS .tmp_kallsyms2.o LD vmlinux SYSMAP System.map SYSMAP .tmp_System.map OBJCOPY arch/l4/boot/Image Kernel: arch/l4/boot/Image is ready Building modules, stage 2. MODPOST 97 modules Library core_printf Library pager Library raw_signal Library raw_server Program core/x86/core make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/gg/build/genode' genode build completed using fiasco kernel at /home/gg/build/fiasco using sigma0/bootstrap at /home/gg/build/l4re creating ISO image... spawn qemu -no-kvm-pit -serial mon:stdio -m 512 -cdrom var/run/l4linux.iso open /dev/kvm: No such file or directory Could not initialize KVM, will disable KVM support pci_add_option_rom: failed to find romfile "pxe-rtl8139.bin"
Welcome to Fiasco.OC (ia32)! L4/Fiasco.OC ia32 microkernel (C) 1998-2011 TU Dresden Rev: r31 compiled with gcc 4.4.5 for Intel Pentium Pro [] Build: #2 Thu May 19 11:54:05 MSD 2011
Performance-critical config option(s) detected: CONFIG_NDEBUG is off
Superpages: yes Kmem:: cpu page at 1fff8000 (4096Bytes) ACPI-Init ACPI: RSDP = 0xfdb80 pRSDT = 1fffde30 pXSDT = 0 ACPI: OEM: BOCHS MADT = 0x203fdeb0 IO-APIC[ 0]: struct: 0x203fdee4 adr=fec00000 IO-APIC[ 0]: pins 23 PIN[ 0m]: vector=20, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[ 1m]: vector=21, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[ 2m]: vector=22, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[ 3m]: vector=23, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[ 4m]: vector=24, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[ 5m]: vector=25, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[ 6m]: vector=26, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[ 7m]: vector=27, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[ 8m]: vector=28, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[ 9m]: vector=29, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[10m]: vector=2a, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[11m]: vector=2b, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[12m]: vector=2c, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[13m]: vector=2d, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[14m]: vector=2e, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[15m]: vector=2f, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[16m]: vector=30, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[17m]: vector=31, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[18m]: vector=32, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[19m]: vector=33, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[20m]: vector=34, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[21m]: vector=35, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[22m]: vector=36, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) PIN[23m]: vector=37, del=0, dm=physical, dest=0 (high, edge) IO-APIC: dual 8259: yes IO-APIC: ovr[ 0] 00 -> 2 IO-APIC: ovr[ 1] 05 -> 5 IO-APIC: ovr[ 2] 09 -> 9 IO-APIC: ovr[ 3] 0a -> a IO-APIC: ovr[ 4] 0b -> b Allocate cpu_mem @ 0xfeffb000 Local APIC[00]: version=11 max_lvt=5 APIC ESR value before/after enabling: 00000000/00000000 Using the PIT (i8254) on IRQ 2 for scheduling SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart SERIAL ESC: allocated IRQ 4 for serial uart Not using serial hack in slow timer handler. Absolute KIP Syscalls using: Sysenter CPU[0:0]: GenuineIntel (6:3:3:0)[00000633] Model: Pentium II (Klamath) at 2663 MHz
32 KB L1 I Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line) 32 KB L1 D Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line) 2048 KB L2 U Cache (8-way associative, 64 bytes per line)
Freeing init code/data: 28672 bytes (7 pages)
Calibrating timer loop... done. SIGMA0: Hello! KIP @ 400000 Found Fiasco: KIP syscalls: yes allocated 4KB for maintenance structures SIGMA0: Dump of all resource maps RAM:------------------------ [0:1000;9efff] [0:10c000;13ffff] [4:140000;1a7fff] [0:1a8000;2dbfff] [4:2dc000;2dcfff] [0:2dd000;3fffff] [0:465000;11f9fff] [4:11fa000;186dfff] [0:186e000;1d70efff] IOMEM:---------------------- [0:0;fff] [0:9f000;fffff] [0:1fffd000;febfffff] [0:fec01000;fedfffff] [0:fee01000;ffffffff] IO PORTS-------------------------- [0:0;fffffff]
KIP @ 400000 magic: 4be6344c version: 87004444 sigma0 esp: 002dba48 eip: 001000fc sigma1 esp: 00000000 eip: 00000000 root esp: 00000000 eip: 0017b7cc MBI @ 2dc000 mod[3] [11fa000,11fa3df) config mod[4] [11fb000,12313f4) init mod[5] [1232000,125c6d8) pci_drv mod[6] [125d000,1282c60) timer mod[7] [1283000,12cc424) vesa_drv mod[8] [12cd000,12f8ec8) ps2_drv mod[9] [12f9000,1630d68) vmlinux mod[10] [1631000,186d400) initrd.gz :ram_alloc: Allocator 192604 dump: Block: [00001000,0009f000) size=0009e000 avail=0009e000 max_avail=0009e000 Block: [0010c000,0010c01c) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=0009e000 Block: [0010c01c,0010c038) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [0010c038,0010c054) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=0009e000 Block: [0010c054,0010c070) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [0010c070,0010c08c) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00033f58 Block: [0010c08c,0010c0a8) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [0010c0a8,00140000) size=00033f58 avail=00033f58 max_avail=00033f58 Block: [001a8000,001a801c) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=1bea1000 Block: [001a801c,001a8038) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=00000000 Block: [001a8038,002dc000) size=00133fc8 avail=00133fc8 max_avail=00133fc8 Block: [002dd000,002dd01c) size=0000001c avail=00000000 max_avail=1bea1000 Block: [002dd01c,00400000) size=00122fe4 avail=00122fe4 max_avail=00122fe4 Block: [00465000,011fa000) size=00d95000 avail=00d95000 max_avail=1bea1000 Block: [0186e000,1d70f000) size=1bea1000 avail=1bea1000 max_avail=1bea1000 => mem_size=485879808 (463 MB) / mem_avail=485879556 (463 MB) :region_alloc: Allocator 193774 dump: Block: [0009f000,0010c000) size=0006d000 avail=0006d000 max_avail=0006d000 Block: [00401000,00465000) size=00064000 avail=00064000 max_avail=70000000 Block: [1d70f000,40000000) size=228f1000 avail=228f1000 max_avail=70000000 Block: [50000000,c0000000) size=70000000 avail=70000000 max_avail=70000000 => mem_size=2459705344 (2345 MB) / mem_avail=2459705344 (2345 MB) :io_mem: Allocator 192a60 dump: Block: [00000000,00001000) size=00001000 avail=00001000 max_avail=00001000 Block: [0009f000,0010c000) size=0006d000 avail=0006d000 max_avail=0006d000 Block: [00401000,00465000) size=00064000 avail=00064000 max_avail=e28f0fff Block: [1d70f000,ffffffff) size=e28f0fff avail=e28f0fff max_avail=e28f0fff => mem_size=3801886719 (3625 MB) / mem_avail=3801886719 (3625 MB) :io_port: Allocator 192ebc dump: Block: [00000000,00010000) size=00010000 avail=00010000 max_avail=00010000 => mem_size=65536 (0 MB) / mem_avail=65536 (0 MB) :irq: Allocator 193318 dump: Block: [00000000,00000010) size=00000010 avail=00000010 max_avail=00000010 => mem_size=16 (0 MB) / mem_avail=16 (0 MB) :rom_fs: Rom_fs 193bb8 dump: Rom: [01232000,0125c6d8) pci_drv Rom: [011fb000,012313f4) init Rom: [011fa000,011fa3df) config Rom: [00400000,00401000) kip Rom: [01631000,0186d400) initrd.gz Rom: [00400000,00401000) l4v2_kip Rom: [0125d000,01282c60) timer Rom: [012cd000,012f8ec8) ps2_drv Rom: [01283000,012cc424) vesa_drv Rom: [012f9000,01630d68) vmlinux :core ranges: Allocator 1945fc dump: Block: [00001000,0009f000) size=0009e000 avail=0009e000 max_avail=0009e000 Block: [0010c000,002dc000) size=001d0000 avail=001d0000 max_avail=001d0000 Block: [002dd000,00400000) size=00123000 avail=00123000 max_avail=1d2aa000 Block: [00465000,1d70f000) size=1d2aa000 avail=1d2aa000 max_avail=1d2aa000 => mem_size=493072384 (470 MB) / mem_avail=493072384 (470 MB) int main(): --- create local services --- int main(): --- start init --- int main(): transferred 463 MB to init int main(): --- init created, waiting for exit condition --- [init] Could not open file "ldso" [init -> ps2_drv] Detected ExPS/2 mouse - activating scroll-wheel and 5-button support. [init -> ps2_drv] Using keyboard with scan code set 1 (xlate). [init -> pci_drv] PCI driver started [init -> vmlinux] Region map: [init -> vmlinux] 0x00000000 - 0x00001000 [reserved] [init -> vmlinux] 0x00001000 - 0x00005000 [unused] [init -> vmlinux] 0x00005000 - 0x00006000 [KIP] [init -> vmlinux] 0x00006000 - 0x00400000 [unused] [init -> vmlinux] 0x00400000 - 0x007aa000 [Binary] [init -> vmlinux] 0x007aa000 - 0x40000000 [unused] [init -> vmlinux] 0x40000000 - 0x50000000 [Thread Context Area] [init -> vmlinux] 0x50000000 - 0xffffffff [unused] [init -> vmlinux] ======> L4Linux 2.6 starting... <======== [init -> vmlinux] Linux version 2.6.37-l4+ (gg@...74...) (gcc version 4.4.5 (GCC) ) #47 Fri May 20 13:20:17 MSD 2011 [init -> vmlinux] Binary name: vmlinux [init -> vmlinux] Linux kernel command line (3 args): mem=128M l4x_rd=initrd.gz text [init -> vmlinux] CPU mapping (l:p)[1]: 0:0 [init -> vmlinux] Image: 00401000 - 007aa000 [3748 KiB]. [init -> vmlinux] Areas: Text: 00401000 - 006da000 [2916kB] (a bit longer) [init -> vmlinux] Data: 006da000 - 006f94c4 [125kB] [init -> vmlinux] Initdata: 00702000 - 0072c000 [168kB] [init -> vmlinux] BSS: 0072c000 - 00799350 [436kB] [init -> vmlinux] l4util_cpu_capabilities: Not implemented yet! [init -> vmlinux] gs=43 fs=43 [init -> vmlinux] l4io_get_root_device: Not implemented yet! [init -> vmlinux] Device scan: [init -> vmlinux] l4io_iterate_devices: Not implemented yet! [init -> vmlinux] l4x_fiasco_gdt_entry_offset = 9 [init -> vmlinux] l4lx_thread_name_set: Not implemented yet! [init -> vmlinux] main thread will be c [init -> vmlinux] l4x_register_pointer_section: addr = 00400000 size = 3842048 [init -> vmlinux] section-with-init: virt: 400000 to 7a9fff [3752 KiB] [init -> vmlinux] Cannot determine physical address for dataspace Binary! [init -> vmlinux] error: failed to get physical address for 400000. [init -> vmlinux] l4x_linux_startup: thread c. [init -> vmlinux] main thread: received startup message. [init -> vmlinux] Main thread running, waiting... [init -> vmlinux] thread=c000 cpu=0 [init -> vmlinux] utcb bff00200 [init -> vmlinux] l4x_setup_memory: Forcing superpages for main memory [init -> vmlinux] Main memory size: 128MB unmapping of managed dataspaces not yet supported [init -> vmlinux] Main memory: virt: 8000000 to fffffff [131072 KiB] [init -> vmlinux] Main memory: Phys: 0x0186e000 to 0x0986e000, Size: 134217728 [init -> vmlinux] Filling lower ptabs... [init -> vmlinux] Done (0 entries). [init -> vmlinux] l4x_register_pointer_section: addr = 00400000 size = 3842048 [init -> vmlinux] end: virt: 400000 to 7a9fff [3752 KiB] [init -> vmlinux] Cannot determine physical address for dataspace Binary! [init -> vmlinux] error: failed to get physical address for 400000. [init -> vmlinux] l4x_rd_path: initrd.gz [init -> vmlinux] Loading: initrd.gz [init -> vmlinux] INITRD: Size of RAMdisk is 2292KiB [init -> vmlinux] RAMdisk from 007aa000 to 009e7000 [2292KiB] [init -> vesa_drv] Could not open file "config" [init -> vesa_drv] Could not obtain config file [init -> vesa_drv] Found: VESA BIOS version 2.0 [init -> vesa_drv] OEM: VGABIOS Cirrus extension [init -> vesa_drv] Found: physical frame buffer at 0xf0000000 size: 0x00400000 [init -> vmlinux] L4 serial driver [init -> vmlinux] cpu0: segfault for init(1) [T:1cc] at 4456e000, ip=b741b030, pferror = 4 [init -> vmlinux] 08048000 - 080c3000 r-xp 00000 /bin/busybox [init -> vmlinux] 080c3000 - 080c4000 rw-p 0007a /bin/busybox [init -> vmlinux] 080c4000 - 080c6000 rw-p [init -> vmlinux] b72c1000 - b72c2000 rw-p [init -> vmlinux] b72c2000 - b7419000 r-xp 00000 /lib/libc-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b7419000 - b741a000 r--p 00157 /lib/libc-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b741a000 - b741c000 rw-p 00158 /lib/libc-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b741c000 - b741f000 rw-p [init -> vmlinux] b741f000 - b7443000 r-xp 00000 /lib/libm-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b7443000 - b7445000 rw-p 00023 /lib/libm-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b7445000 - b7446000 rw-p [init -> vmlinux] b7446000 - b7447000 r-xp [init -> vmlinux] b7447000 - b7466000 r-xp 00000 /lib/ld-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] b7466000 - b7468000 rw-p 0001e /lib/ld-2.9.so [init -> vmlinux] bf591000 - bf5b3000 rw-p
--------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU 0 [00404160]: segfault [ cpu0] jdb: </span>======================================================================================================