While trying out different parts of the genode build tree I tried doing a make -C build.nova-x86_64 run/demo which resulted in something like this:
... genode build completed using NOVA kernel at /home/xx/src/genode/build.nova-x86_64/kernel/hypervisor creating ISO image... spawn qemu-system-x86_64 -no-kvm -cpu core2duo -m 256 -serial mon:stdio -cdrom var/run/demo.iso qemu-system-x86_64: -no-kvm: invalid option ...
I'm currently running centos 6 as a remote server and doing the builds there and initially I didn't have qemu-system available on it. It took me a while to locate an rpm (in rpmforge-extras) that had qemu-system_x86_64 - however it does not recognise the -no-kvm command line option.
In fact I'm having trouble locating any documentation for QEMU that mentions that command line option so I'm wondering whether the option is bogus or I need to be looking elsewhere to get a qemu install that has the command with that argument.