I booted a few images on two thinkpad devices. On my T410s with an NVidia graphics card ("VGA compatible controller" "NVIDIA Corporation" "GT218M [NVS 3100M]" -ra2 "Lenovo" "Device 21cd") everything worked well. On the T500 with an intel graphics card I had problems. ("VGA compatible controller" "Intel Corporation" "Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller" -r07 "Lenovo" "Device 20e4"). In text mode everything was fine but when it switched to graphics mode, the screen had tearing. This can be seen in http://imgur.com/c9KPv2H .
The serial (AMT) output seems to indicate it tried to get the right video mode from VESA:
[init -> fb_drv] Using video mode: 1680 x 1050 x 16
The full serial output can be seen at http://pastebin.com/guH2QAB5
Any idea why it wasnt able to set up the video properly here? Is this just an unsupported graphics configuration?