Hi Amadeo,
When I try to build the app below in Genode, the following linking error happens:
…/main.cc:6: undefined reference to `malloc(unsigned int)' …/main.cc:8: undefined reference to `free(void*)'
What am I missing here? Thanks!
because you are using 'malloc' from within a C++ source file and the function in mini_c's 'stdlib.h' is not declared as 'extern "C"', the compiler generates a mangled C++ symbol. You can see this when looking at the object file for 'main.cc':
nm test/amadeo/main.o
U _Z4freePv U _Z6mallocj U __gxx_personality_v0 00000000 T main
Simple fix: Just put the the '#include <stdlib.h>' in an 'extern "C"' block:
extern "C" { #include <stdlib.h> }
In general, I would not recommend to use 'mini_c' because this library is just meant as a support library for our demo applications (it is actually part of the 'demo' repository). Hence, 'mini_c' is only tested for our particular demos.
I would try to avoid libc functionality altogether, e.g., by allocation memory via Genode's heap:
#include <base/env.h>
int *v = (int *)Genode::env()->heap()->alloc(N*sizeof(int));
Alternatively, if you really desire libc functionality, I'd recommend using our C runtime. For this, you will need to add 'libc' to your 'LIBS' declaration in our 'target.mk' file. Optionally, you may also want to add 'libc_log' if you like to use libc's fully-fledged 'printf' to operate with Genode's LOG service. Also make sure that you have listed the libc repository the 'REPOSITORIES' declaration in your '<build-dir>/etc/build.conf' file. When booting, do not forget to load 'ldso', 'libc.lib.so', and 'libc_log.lib.so' as boot modules.
Cheers Norman