Hello Lonnie,
your steps 1 to 10 look perfectly fine.
Then go to each directory and do "make prepare" just to be sure. cd ~/genode/ports; make prepare cd ~/genode/libports; make prepare
The ports and libports repositories contain ports of 3rd-party applications and libraries respectively. The 3rd-party code is not included in the Genode source tree but it can be downloaded in an automated fashion via the "make prepare" mechanism. To see the available packages, just type "make" in the libports or ports repositories. By just issuing "make prepare" with no further argument, all packages will be downloaded. This will easily sum up to several GiB of source codes. However, most of them are not needed for the seoul-fancy.run script, i.e., openssl will remain unused. So there is little point to install it. To download only a few selected packages, a list of desired packages can be specified via the PKG argument. Hence, I suggested in my email to just download the packages that are actually required for the seoul-fancy.run script. This way, you can side-step the SSL issue for now, and you safe disk space and time. ;-)
ERROR HERE------------------------------- --2013-12-26 11:12:20-- https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1c.tar.gz Resolving www.openssl.org http://www.openssl.org (www.openssl.org http://www.openssl.org)... Connecting to www.openssl.org http://www.openssl.org (www.openssl.org http://www.openssl.org)||:443... connected. ERROR: The certificate of `www.openssl.org http://www.openssl.org' is not trusted. ERROR: The certificate of `www.openssl.org http://www.openssl.org' hasn't got a known issuer.
To take a look under the hood when you issue the "make prepare" command, you can add "VERBOSE=" as argument. For example, to debug the openssl-download issue, you might try the following (from within the libports repository):
make prepare PKG=openssl VERBOSE=
You will see that the "make prepare" mechanism just tries to fetch the archive using the wget command. This step apparently fails for you for some reason. I just tried it on my machine and it works well for me.
Are you able to manually download the archive https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1c.tar.gz using a web browser? Also, could you try to issue the wget command manually?
wget -c -P download https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1c.tar.gz
Cheers Norman