Hello Sid,
as I'm not able to fix the floating-point exception I just used the following script and executed it in parallel with the depicted command line.
#!/bin/bash for i in $(seq 10000); do dd if=/dev/zero status=none count=4 | netcat 8899 > /dev/null done
parallel -j 20 ./netcat.sh -- $(seq 20)
I also removed the diagnostic messages and after 422 rounds I got the following log messages.
[init -> test-tcp_echo_server] waiting for connection 422 [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: tcp_err_callback arg=null [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: Assertion "pbuf_free: p->ref > 0" /plain/krishna/src/genode/genode_tmp.git/contrib/lwip-6e0661b21fde397041389d5d8db906b5a6543700/src/lib/lwip/src/core/pbuf.c:753 [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: tcp_poll_callback [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: tcp_poll_callback socket=653982970 state=4 [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: tcp_poll_callback local_port=8899 remote_port=34522 state=4 [init -> test-tcp_echo_server] Error: tcp_poll_callback
This assertion seems to be very serious and the code decrements the reference counter also if the assertion fails, which should render this pbuf not reclaimable for a long time due to the integer wrap-around. In my test case the lwip stack stills happily responds to ARP and ICMP ping.
Is my test approach reasonable? Should we hunt the issue depicted above?