Norman Feske writes:
I am more than happy to announce the official release of the fourth incarnation of Sculpt OS. The faint vision of our Genode-based general-purpose OS - as laid out one and half years ago - has now become real.
Congratulations to all of you for that work. I think it is really a moment when more people can get interested in this system.
I've started to prepare a working environment with Sculpt and I've encountered some issues/wish items:
1. I'd suggest to add clarification in section about making customizations permanent that to make a partition default for Sculpt partition table must be of GPT type and partition NAME must be set to GENODE* (using e.g. parted). Documentation doesn't mention partitioning scheme requirement and uses word "labeled" which points rather to labels written inside ext2/3/4 partitions (with tools tune2fs or e2label).
2. Is it possible to switch between Inspect console and component graph without really closing a console? Currently to get back to component graph I have to disable Inspect and loose current working directory and history of commands.
3. What would I need to tweak/implement to make keys with Alt (like Alt+F, Alt+B) to work in noux. If it is not easy then at least I'd like to know how to disable Ctrl+D (delete equivalent on linux) that currently causes bash to exit and loose commands history.
4. When trying to install software I somehow managed to stop leitzentrale work. There was some information about memory quota but I lost it when I switched to wm and couldn't get back to leitzentrale. I'll try to provide more details if I can reproduce this.
Have fun with Sculpt CE!
I'm having fun. Thasks.
Tomasz Gajewski