Dear Genode community,
I am gradually digging into the details of the Genode framework and was thinking about compiling a Live-CD. My intension is to give unexperienced users a first impression of Genode by simply downloading an .iso image and either booting it into their real machine using a thumb drive or using an emulater like qemu/virtualbox. Please refer to my last post for the rationale behind it.
The good news is, that genode-world seems already to provide a set of software packages, which have been ported. However, I am currently under the impression, that genode currently is not capable of loading software modules at runtime. Instead, it appears to me, that all required software modules are linked into a large elf file, which is then loaded during boot time. Am I missing something crudential here or is loading of modules at runtime not yet implemented?
Regards, Florian.