Hi Sid,
On 12/26/22 23:40, Sid Agrawal wrote:
- I understand the Genode can be made with multiple kernels such as OKL4,
seL4, and Nova, as well as your own kernel named hw? However, it was not obvious which kernel is used by sculpt.
You can find the used kernel documented at the "Credits" section [1], and in the build instructions for Sculpt.
[1] https://genode.org/documentation/articles/sculpt-22-10#Credits
The PinePhone version of Sculpt uses the base-hw kernel. You can find the details explained in the "Genode Platforms" document [2].
[2] https://genode.org/documentation/genode-platforms-22-05.pdf
- Where can I find the application list that runs on sculpt? Like
browsers, databases etc?
There is no central curated list.
Each depot provider curates a custom index, which you can browse once you have selected the provider in Sculpt's depot selection.
Cheers Norman