Thank you Josef, I checked github and found the problem. I forked my own genode repository (pulled from genodelab's) on github and synchronized with it. However something wrong must had happened as both files were missing in my repository. I'm working on that now. Thank you. Best,Quin
----- Original Message ----- From: Josef Söntgen <josef.soentgen@...1...> To: Genode OS Framework Mailing List Subject: Re: Header files have changed? Date: 2016-07-19 16:27
Hello Quin, * Quin <scnypdmax@...437...> [2016-07-19 09:39:28 +0800]:
I am following genode 16.05 tutorials on ubuntu 16.04 lts. I set up my tests according to chapter 2.5 in corresponding manual (16.05) and However when I tried to compile the apps, I got errors saying "base/component.h" and "base/log.h" were not found. I searched the sub-directories of genode project and had no luck. After digging I thought I could use base/printf.h instead of log.h. But what is the alternative of base/component.h?
Please check if you are working with version 16.05 and not by any chance with the sources of an older release. If you are indeed using 16.05 than your sources seem to be incomplete and I recommend that you do a clean git checkout or extract the archive afresh. Regards, Josef