Hello, We have connected i.mx6 quad board to our pc and trying to build genode on it but it shows the following message. Can you help me out on how to generate qemu. We created the build directory using the same ./tool.create_builddir hw_imx6 BUILDDIR=build.imx. When we tried to compile the build directory by using make run/demo it shows the following message
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user100/Downloads/casl- secureos-def5067bb56c/imx6.hw' spawn qemu-system-arm -m 256 -serial mon:stdio -kernel var/run/demo/image.elf No machine specified, and there is no default. Use -machine help to list supported machines! : spawn id exp6 not open while executing "expect { -i $running_spawn_id -re $wait_for_re { } eof { puts stderr "Error: Spawned process died unexpectedly"; exit -3 } timeout { puts ..." (procedure "wait_for_output" line 17) invoked from within "wait_for_output $wait_for_re $timeout_value $qemu_spawn_id" (procedure "spawn_qemu" line 60) invoked from within "spawn_qemu $wait_for_re $timeout_value" (procedure "run_genode_until" line 14) invoked from within "run_genode_until forever" (file "/home/user100/Downloads/casl-secureos-def5067bb56c/os/run/demo.run" line 185) invoked from within "source $include_name" ("foreach" body line 3) invoked from within "foreach include_name [get_cmd_arg --include ""] { puts "using run script $include_name" source $include_name }" (file "/home/user100/Downloads/casl-secureos-def5067bb56c/tool/run" line 812) make: *** [run/demo] Error 1
We are currently using genode-14.05.
Thank you