Nova 64 bits rebooting in loop on my older Pentium 4 computer was not a surprised. This morning I tested Nova 32 bits. Nova 32 bits seems to work well on my Celeron D computer, but not on my older (about 2002) IBM Netvista computer where I get when trying to boot the demo.iso CD: Nova Microhypervisor v5-16dd65c (x86_32): Jan 21 2013... (gcc 4.7.2)
[ 0] CORE:0:0:0 f:2:4:2 [f] Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.26 GHz
And it hang there.
It's still a bit unclear if the message come really from the Genode Core but I guess so. Guess I should get my serial null-modem out of a dusted box here.