I have a few stupid questions regarding the use of real hardware.
I want to access files from a harddisk using a block cache. The partition would be /sda7/test in ext2 format. (and for example file1.txt) I tried to start nova directly form disc - works with mouse & keyboard now.
With the example file in /dde_rump/run/rump2_ext2.run I do not see how I could use an existing harddrive.
I understand the script as following: First a bin/ext2.raw file is created and then a file system is created with mke2fs. The ram_blk points to the file. How can it be pointed to a drive like /sda7 instead? Is it even possible now to use a real harddsic file system? Or would i need to create a file like in the example (only permanent) and put the file together with the rest of the program in grub so that nova boots with providing the file?
The second part of the question is according to things needed to execute the rump_ext2.run script. As i tried to create prepare PKG=libs i needded to install: subversion, flex, bison Are they missing in the build tools or is no specific version needed?
The next questions are regarding the block cache. If I try to execute the script, i get a Tests finished succesful, but a lot of messages like [init] Cannot respond to resource request - out of memory [init ->blk_cache] could not expand dataspace pool
To be honest I do not see in the configuration at all how it should work. If i understand it correctly a qemu with 64 MB RAM is started, and test-blk-cli is given a quantum of 2GB? The test-blk-cli gets a route for Block to the Cache and the Cache to Blksrv. What I don't understand with the sizes is: Why has the client the largest size and not the smallest? If it has the largest it could just read complete files and keep it in memory?
I tried the following: I copied the rump_ext2.run script and created an entry with start name blk_cache and put a route from rump_fs to Block child blk_cache, from blk_Cache as child ram_blk. I started it and then see that the script said that blk_cache was not found, but it run succesful.
My question is therefore: if a service name is in multiple clients and one client in a route is not available, is automatically another client with same service name used? Or have i forgot something? Afterwards i included in the set build_components section server/blk_cache (after drivers/timer) and entered as boot module blk_cache. Is this the correct way of including the cache?
The result of this was that I got an output with: [init -> blk_cache] updating quota for SIGNAL session, an init rump_fs upgrade quota output and afterwards and a long stop after init->rump_fs Backend::Backend() Backend blk_size 512 Afterwards the script stopped with Test execution timeout. with error 254) What could I have done wrong with the configuration of this scenario?
Best regards Wolfgang Schmidt