Hi Neal,
The Genode base provided by base-hw follows the approach to minimalize the code running in privileged CPU mode. Its kernel (base-hw/src/core/kernel*) is a single-threaded state machine that tries to hand over handling of caught hardware- exceptions as fast as possible to userland. Additionally we try to keep the kernel interface (base-hw/include/kernel/syscalls.h) small and expressive.
Nethertheless I'm afraid that base-hw kernel isn't yet what your looking for. It doesn't handle real capabilities by now. Instead it links kernel objects to global names that are provided to the userland. Genodes capabilities are only carriers of these global names but they're not backed by an in-kernel right- management. If a thread guesses a global name right, it is allowed to acces the according kernel object.
However, adding capability based right management is one of the next profound issues in base-hw, so it might be a solution for your requirements in the near future.
I'm not that skilled at the other base repositories of Genode but I'm sure the other Genode fellows can help you with this. If you have further questions don't hesitate to ask.
Best regards, Martin
On 24.10.2013 11:28, Neal H. Walfield wrote:
I'm looking to run Genode on an ARM Cortex A8. I'm primarily interested in the security properties of the resulting system. I'm explicitly not interested in running multiple OS personalities or doing virtualization. What I do want is as pure an object capability system as possible and as small an attack surface as possible. This seems to suggest Fiasco.OC or OKL4, but perhaps the bare hardware kernel is better. I think NOVA doesn't come into question, because it only runs on x86.
I couldn't find much information about the bare hardware kernel. I'd appreciate any pointers.
:) Neal
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