The new release 9.08 of the Genode OS Framework is available. With this release, we focused on replacing several interim solutions with much improved new implementations. In particular, we want to highlight the new synchronization mechanisms, the new timer service, and our effort to unify former platform-specific code among all kernel platforms supported by the framework. The major functional additions of this release are the port of the dynamic linker from FreeBSD, new core extensions for running Linux (Wombat) on top of the OKL4 version of Genode, and the support for super pages on the L4/Fiasco and L4ka::Pistachio kernels.
Release-notes summary for version 9.08 --------------------------------------
* Base framework * New lock implementation * New generic signalling mechanism * Added support for thread-local storage * Core extension to run Linux on top of Genode on OKL4 * Operating-system services and libraries * Added shared-library support * Improved XML config handling * Optimized Nitpicker GUI server * New timer server * Added support for super pages on L4/Fiasco and L4ka::Pistachio * Added support for write-combined I/O access * Unified startup code and linker scripts among all platforms * Removed glibc dependency from the Linux version
You can find the complete release notes for the version 9.08 here:
The new release is available to the project's subversion repository and at the Genode download page: