Hi Genode-mailing-list,
i have a little problem with my ram and rm custom implementations.
When i try to create a child component which uses my custom sessions/services by running the following code:
int main(void) { PDBG("--- start proxy_server ---\n");
PDBG("--- announcing proxy services --- ");
Cap_connection cap;
static Sliced_heap sliced_heap(env()->ram_session(), env()->rm_session());
enum { STACK_SIZE = 8*1024 }; static Rpc_entrypoint ep(&cap, STACK_SIZE, "proxy_ep");
static Proxy::Prm_root prm_root(&ep, &ep, &sliced_heap); PDBG("PRM_root created and back in server-main!");
static Proxy::Pram_root pram_root(&ep, &ep, &sliced_heap); PDBG("PRAM_root created and back in server-main!");
env()->parent()->announce(ep.manage(&prm_root)); PDBG("PRM service announced!");
env()->parent()->announce(ep.manage(&pram_root)); PDBG("PRAM service announced!");
PDBG("--- starting test child ---");
/* Creating session for child environment */
static Rom_connection rom("proxy_test_client"); static Pd_connection pd; static Proxy::Pram_connection pram; <---------------- custom service, execution fails here. static Cpu_connection cpu; static Proxy::Prm_connection prm; <---------------- custom service static Cap_connection child_cap;
/* declaring ref account for child's ram session and transferring quota */
enum { CHILD_QUOTA = 1*1024*1024 }; pram.ref_account(env()->ram_session_cap()); env()->ram_session()->transfer_quota(pram.ram_cap(), CHILD_QUOTA);
/* creating test child */
Test_child proxy_test_child(rom.dataspace(), pd.cap(), pram.cap(), cpu.cap(), prm.cap(), &child_cap);
PDBG("--- proxy_server is going to sleep ---"); sleep_forever(); PDBG("Server still awake - This output should not be reached!");
return 0; }
I get this output:
Genode 15.11-71-g2e0e767 int main(): --- create local services --- int main(): --- start init --- int main(): transferred 112 MB to init int main(): --- init created, waiting for exit condition --- [init] Could not open ROM session for module "ld.lib.so" [init -> proxy_server] int main(): --- start proxy_server --- [init -> proxy_server] int main(): --- announcing proxy services --- [init -> proxy_server] Proxy::Prm_root::Prm_root(Genode::Rpc_entrypoint*, Genode::Rpc_entrypoint*, Genode::Allocator*): Creating Prm_root_component... [init -> proxy_server] int main(): PRM_root created and back in server-main! [init -> proxy_server] Proxy::Pram_root::Pram_root(Genode::Rpc_entrypoint*, Genode::Rpc_entrypoint*, Genode::Allocator*): Creating Pram_root_component... [init -> proxy_server] int main(): PRAM_root created and back in server-main! [init -> proxy_server] int main(): PRM service announced! [init -> proxy_server] int main(): PRAM service announced! [init -> proxy_server] int main(): --- starting test child --- [init -> proxy_server] virtual Proxy::Pram_session_component* Proxy::Pram_root::_create_session(const char*): Creating Pram_session_component...
KERNEL: Warning: nothing mapped: (Obj_space) from [0xfffffffffccfe5d8/38]: 0000000000000237 size: 0000000000000001 to [0xfffffffffccfe5d8/38]
Error: Test execution timed out make: *** [run/proxy] Fehler 254
I have no idea why this may happen. When running a component which is started by init and which is no child of my server component opening a
connection to my custom service works perfectly fine.
I'd be very grateful for a little bit of help here.
Best regards,