As we used the genode which was cloned from
git clone https://bitbucket.org/casl/secureos.git
We are able to create the build directory for i.mx6. But when we try to create the build directory for genode-14.05 , it is not created. It is showing the error as
./tool/create_builddir hw_imx6 BUILD_DIR=imx.build make: *** No rule to make target `/home/mahe/genode-14.05/tool/builddir/etc/build.conf.hw_imx6', needed by `imx.build/etc/build.conf'. Stop.
When we checked inside the genode-14.05 /tool/builddir/etc/ , that file is not found. How can we create that build.conf.hw_imx6??
the support for i.MX6 was specifically implemented in the secureos.git. The mainline version of Genode has no support for i.MX6 yet.
To use the new Genode version on i.MX6, you will need to revisit the i.MX6-specific commits in the history of the secureos.git repository and apply those changes to a new branch of the genode-14.05 version (i.e. adjusting the commits to the changed directory layout of Genode). According to the commit history, the i.MX6 support was added by Aditya Kousik. Maybe it is worthwhile to seek his assistance?
Best regards Norman