Hello Adrian,
On 11.03.2015 00:02, a3an wrote:
I just wonder what will be done to fix this. Is there a way to open problem-ticket for this problem ? Or, is there an explanation as to what the problem is ?
you can create an issue at https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/issues
There's no explanation yet, but as a temporary workaround you can move the .vbox file into the root directory or load it from a ROM service.
As to 'virtualbox_auto_disk.run', I am unable to execute this run-script. I get the message 'Run script does not support Qemu.'. Could you explain how this script should be executed ?
A simple way to use the script is with the following run tool configuration in 'build/nova_x86_64/etc/build.conf' (latest Genode release):
RUN_OPT = --include boot_dir/nova \ --include image/iso
With this configuration, 'make run/vbox_auto_win7' will create an ISO image in the 'var/run' directory, which you could write on a USB stick (using 'dd') and boot from it on real hardware.
The script provides VirtualBox with the 'vm_win7.vbox' file, which needs to get adapted to the actual VDI files to be used. The 'overlay.vdi' file can be created like this:
- $ VboxManage showhdinfo win7.vdi - remember the 'Capacity' value - $ VboxManage createhd --filename overlay_win7.vdi --size [Capacity value] --format vdi
Also, the UUIDs in the 'vm_win7.vbox' file need to get replaced by the real UUIDs of the VDI files (also shown by 'VBoxManage showhdinfo').
The VDI files are loaded from an 'ext2' file system on the fourth primary partition of the hard disk. The partition number can be changed in 'virtualbox_auto.inc'.
Having a serial port on the target machine is highly recommended to know what the problem could be if it doesn't work right away.
Regards, Christian