Hello Divya,
On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 19:52:03 CEST, Divya Sharma wrote:
[init -> runtime] child "nic_drv" [init -> runtime] RAM quota: 20232K [init -> runtime] cap quota: 266 [init -> runtime] ELF binary: nic_drv --> [init -> runtime] priority: 2 [init -> runtime] child "nic_router" [init -> runtime] RAM quota: 9992K [init -> runtime] cap quota: 266 [init -> runtime] ELF binary: nic_router [init -> runtime] priority: 2 [init -> runtime] provides service Nic [init -> runtime] provides service Uplink
Seeing above logs it seems that nic_drv is not able to load the virtio_mmio_nic(instead ELF binary: nic_drv) ELF binary at runtime and mac address allocation, I don't know why.
The above messages do not hint any failure, why do you think so? It's more important what happens after the runtime init log these messages. Did you try to enable verbosity in the Virtio driver (see https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/blob/master/repos/os/src/drivers/nic/vi... for details)?